Domov > Blog > Frázy z filmov > Frázy z filmu Valentine’s Day
“Valentine’s Day…it comes every year whether you like it or not. It’s the day when your love life is put on display… I’d like to send a dozen of those to the best girl at my school. Is it for your wife? I am ten years old… I am sorry, I didn’t realize… [When is always a chance of romance or disaster] ..okey, I am gonna go now, ok… It can be confusing… It’s Valentine’s Day today? Hello.. No. it’s on Monday. Valentine’s Day always falls on a Thursday… Hoosier-head, that’s Thanksgiving… It can be complicated… Alex and I were supposed to have sex today… Love can’t be planned. It’s not love she is talking about. But at the end of the day, it’s all about love. How do you guys feel about each other? Oh my Gosh, I totally love him… and I am crazy about her.. see, he even wrote his number on my hand. There you have it. Young love – full of promise, full of hope, ignoring the reality… My father said to me if you ever are with a girl that’s too good for you marry her… Happy Valentine’s Day… wow… She said yessss… Sly Stallone said: No retreat, no surrender. I think it was Jean-Claude Van Damme… “
“Valentine’s Day…it comes every year whether you like it or not. It’s the day when your love life is put on display… I’d like to send a dozen of those to the best girl at my school. Is it for your wife? I am ten years old… I am sorry, I didn’t realize… [When is always a chance of romance or disaster] ..okey, I am gonna go now, ok… It can be confusing… It’s Valentine’s Day today? Hello.. No. it’s on Monday. Valentine’s Day always falls on a Thursday… Hoosier-head, that’s Thanksgiving… It can be complicated… Alex and I were supposed to have sex today… Love can’t be planned. It’s not love she is talking about. But at the end of the day, it’s all about love. How do you guys feel about each other? Oh my Gosh, I totally love him… and I am crazy about her.. see, he even wrote his number on my hand. There you have it. Young love – full of promise, full of hope, ignoring the reality… My father said to me if you ever are with a girl that’s too good for you marry her… Happy Valentine’s Day… wow… She said yessss… Sly Stallone said: No retreat, no surrender. I think it was Jean-Claude Van Damme… “
FRÁZY: | |
• do pushups - robiť kliky | |
• test the waters - preskúmať neprebádané vody | |
• buy (something) - zhltnúť (lož) | |
• have a blast - mať sa super | |
• throw (a dinner) - organizovať | |
• on one’s part - z niekoho strany, uhla pohľadu | |
• lose (someone) - stratiť telefónne spojenie | |
• duly noted - beriem na vedomie | |
• recess - prestávka (počas vyučovania) | |
• devastating loss - zdrvujúca porážka | |
• stand by - byť pripravený v pohotovosti | |
• lovesick - chorý z nedostatku lásky | |
• carry (something) around - vláčiť | |
• play this card - vytiahnuť niečo | |
• riding crop - jazdecký bičík | |
• throw in jail - uvrhnúť do väzenia | |
• come with the territory - dalo sa to čakať | |
• sappy - sentimentálny, rozcítený | |
• fluff - lacná zábava | |
• FYI - len aby si vedel, pre tvoju informáciu | |
• moon (about something) - zasnene o niečom hovoriť | |
• be late - meškať | |
• What’s the matter? - Čo sa deje, čo ťa trápi? | |
• lose the hat - dať si dole čiapku | |
• cheeseball - trapo, trkvas | |
• hang (something) up - zavesiť na klinec | |
• pick someone’s brain(s) - poradiť sa s niekým | |
• half-remember (something/someone) - matne si pamätať | |
• roll over - obrátiť sa, prevaliť sa | |
• pull down - stiahnuť | |
• (be) up - vypršať | |
• media blitz - mediálny útok | |
• downer - niečo ubíjajúce, depka | |
• put together - dať dokopy, zorganizovať | |
• be fast - ísť popredu (hodiny) | |
• out of the ordinary - mimoriadne, výnimočné | |
• pull for (someone/something) - fandiť, podporovať | |
• turn signal - smerovka, blinker | |
• sub (for someone) - zastupovať, zaskakovať za | |
• nanny - robiť opatrovateľku, strážiť deti | |
• iron on (something) - nažehliť | |
• lighten up - upokojiť sa, nebrať to tak tragicky | |
• crappy - mizerné, nekvalitné | |
• change (one’s) mind - zmeniť názor, rozmyslieť si to | |
• in question - nezodpovedaný, nejasný, predmetom diskusie | |
• set (somebody) straight - vyviesť z omylu | |
• short (someone) - ukrátiť (o peniaze) | |
• take the day off - zobrať si deň voľna, dovolenku | |
• wish (someone) luck - držať palce | |
• up (something) - zvýšiť | |
• play it cool - hrať formu | |
• threesome - švédska trojka |