Domov > Blog > Frázy z filmov > Frázy z filmu P.S. I Love You
“Shake it, baby. Do the stomach shake. Whoo!… My husband was 35 years old. He wasn’t supposed to die… Are you Holly Kennedy? If I am, will you sing? Yes. No, I’m not… I could get reported. By who? The leprechaun union?… I got delivery… What is this? Hey baby, surpise… I have a plan, I have written you letters. Letters that will be coming to you all sorts of ways. Now, you must do what I say, okay?… [This Christmas…] …I hereby free you… [He gave her a gift] ..she needs to get a little crazy. So go out and celebrate tonight… [of a life without him]… Make sure my baby has a good time.. I want you to take her fishing… I don’t worry about you remembering me, Life had changed as I knew it. And now it’s changed again, luv. [Academy Award winner, Hillary Swank, Gerard Butler….] …I feel like Gerry’s guiding me. Do you think that’s silly? I wish I had someone dead telling me what to do… There’s absolutely no way I’m doing this… Yes, you are… Oh, I am not… Yes, you are… How do you feel? You look good.”
“Shake it, baby. Do the stomach shake. Whoo!… My husband was 35 years old. He wasn’t supposed to die… Are you Holly Kennedy? If I am, will you sing? Yes. No, I’m not… I could get reported. By who? The leprechaun union?… I got delivery… What is this? Hey baby, surpise… I have a plan, I have written you letters. Letters that will be coming to you all sorts of ways. Now, you must do what I say, okay?… [This Christmas…] …I hereby free you… [He gave her a gift] ..she needs to get a little crazy. So go out and celebrate tonight… [of a life without him]… Make sure my baby has a good time.. I want you to take her fishing… I don’t worry about you remembering me, Life had changed as I knew it. And now it’s changed again, luv. [Academy Award winner, Hillary Swank, Gerard Butler….] …I feel like Gerry’s guiding me. Do you think that’s silly? I wish I had someone dead telling me what to do… There’s absolutely no way I’m doing this… Yes, you are… Oh, I am not… Yes, you are… How do you feel? You look good.”
FRÁZY: | |
• balls - gule | |
• tits - kozy, prsia | |
• be fired - byť prepustený, mať padáka | |
• maggot - šupák | |
• let (somebody) off the hook - prepáčiť | |
• on the table - v hre | |
• push (someone) - provokovať | |
• by the way - mimochodom | |
• give a go - skúsiť | |
• lock (oneself) in - uzatvoriť sa pred svetom | |
• faggot - buzerant | |
• plan on (something) - mať v pláne, v úmysle | |
• freak out - vyvádzať, byť mimo | |
• clean up - upraviť sa | |
• junk - drogy | |
• be on it - pracovať na niečom | |
• eat (somebody’s) head off - prizabiť | |
• repel - odpudzovať | |
• slut - fľandra, mrcha | |
• windowsill - parapet | |
• fall out - vypadnúť | |
• pay attention - sústrediť sa, dávať pozor | |
• fall asleep - zaspať | |
• scumbag - sviňa, niktoš | |
• (there’s) no rush - to má čas | |
• walk-up - byt v dome bez výťahu | |
• go ahead - nech sa páči | |
• get over (something) - prekonať, dostať sa z niečoho | |
• work out - vyriešiť | |
• bitch (about something) - frfľať kvôli niečomu, píliť niekomu uši | |
• be crazy about (something/someone) - byť do niečoho/niekoho zbláznený | |
• backside - zadok, pozadie | |
• put your hands together for (someone) - zatlieskať | |
• on purpose - naschvál | |
• straight - heterosexuál | |
• give a warm welcome (to someone) - vrelo privítať | |
• pimple - pupák, vyrážka | |
• I am sorry about your loss - úprimnú sústrasť | |
• lose (one’s) mind - prísť o rozum, zblázniť sa | |
• doom and gloom - koniec sveta | |
• quit - dať výpoveď | |
• put on (something) - obliecť si | |
• get back on one’s feet - opäť sa postaviť na nohy | |
• rumor has it - povráva sa | |
• pull (oneself) together - zmátoriť sa | |
• back down - cúvnuť | |
• doll up - vyfintiť sa | |
• go along (with someone/something) - nechať sa viesť, prijať | |
• bloody - blbý, hlúpy (zvýraznenie) | |
• cranky - mrzutý, ofučaný | |
• limo - limuzína |