Frázy z filmu Martian

By | 1. May 2016

Domov > Blog > Frázy z filmov > Frázy z filmu Martian

“Every human being has a basic instinct – to help each other out. If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people coordinate a search. If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world send emergency supplies. This instinct is found in every culture without exception…At around 4:30am our satellites
detected a storm approaching the ARES 3 mission site on Mars. The storm had escalated to severe and we had no choice but to abort the mission. But, during the evacuation, astronaut Marc Watney was killed. I’m entering this log for the record. This is Marc Watney, and I’m still alive, obviously. I have no way to contact NASA or my crew mates. But, even if I could, it would take four years for another manned mission to reach me, and I’m in a Hab designed to last 31 days. So, in the face of overwhelming odds, I’m left with only one option. I’m gonna have to science the shit out of this. Okay, let’s do the math. I got to figure out how to grow four years worth of food, here, on a planet where nothing grows. But, if I can’t figure out a way to make contact with NASA, none of this matters anyway.
NEW MESSAGE RECEIVED Houston be advised, we’ve got a video message. It’s directed to the whole crew. Play it. MEIN GOT! Mark Watney is still alive. In your face, Neil Armstrong. We left him behind. Let’s go get our boy. This is something NASA rejected. So, we’re talking mutiny. And if we mess up the supply rendez-vous, we die. If we mess-up the earth gravity assist, we die. It’s space, it doesn’t cooperate. I guarantee you, that at some point, everything is gonna go south on you. And you’re gonna say ‘this is it’. This is how I end… Is it possible that he is still alive? “
in one’s power - v niekoho silách
watch your language - dávať si pozor na jazyk
chem analysis - chemický rozbor
look forward to (something) - tešiť sa (na niečo)
side note - poznámka na okraj
check out - sedieť, potvrdiť sa
force (someone’s) hand - prinútiť k činu
scrub - zabaliť to
leave behind (something) - zanechať
load up (something) - naložiť
americký slang
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pass along (something) - predať, odovzdať
hold out - vydržať
buy more time - získať viac času
step over (something/someone) - prekročiť
come as a surprise - prekvapiť
prone - ležiaci na bruchu, čelom k zemi
leave to dead - nechať umrieť, napospas osudu
hone in (on something) - zamerať sa
boil off (something) - odpariť
wait out (something) - prečkať
take a chance - riskovať
good news...bad news - dobrá správa...zlá správa
shut one’s mouth - zavrieť ústa, sklapnúť
in vain - márny, navnivoč
raise an objection (to someone or something) - vzniesť námietku
root for (someone) - povzbudzovať, držať palce
take a look - pozrieť sa
do the math - spočítať si to, rozobrať si to
grasp for anything - chytať sa každej možnosti
come up - blížiť sa
take turns - striedať sa
get out - dostať sa na verejnosť
do one’s best - robí, čo môže
be in business - je to vybavené
write-up - správa
there/here’s the rub - problém je v tomto, háčik je v tom, že...
flyby - oblet
make it - zvládnuť to, prežiť to
go through (something) - prehrabávať sa
stay put - zostať na mieste
say the word - stačí povedať
lunacy - šialenstvo, bláznivý nápad
dig up (something) - vyhrabať
turn off (something) - vypnúť