Konverzačné témy: The Young and Their World

By | 23. February 2018

Téma Mládež a ich svet je určite každému z nás blízka, takže stačí sa trochu zamyslieť nad životom, ktorý vediete a porozprávať o tom po anglicky. Jednoduché, nie? No ale ak potrebujete aj trochu inšpirácie, na to slúži tento článok. Tak poďme na to!

NOTE: If you find this symbol in the text (*) that means it’s a tip for you to mention at your oral exam.


There is a big difference between ’’teens” and ’’teens.’’ (Teenage years A.K.A. puberty is starting from the age of thirteen to nineteen so that’s the reason why they (we) are called the teen – agers)

Let me explain.
There is a group of young people who prefer social interactions, they want to try everything new, party hard and go to clubs every Saturday night. They often have traits of extrovert people (YOLO = You Only Live Once).

But there is also another group, which prefers a good books, calm environment, video games, knowledge and introvert setting. Of course, it is not always like this.

Teenage years is the time of discoveries and dramatic changes, both physical and mental. It is time of falling in love and making friends, focusing on your hobbies and dreaming big about the future. Every teenager has some role model (=vzor) they can look up to. It can be a novelist writer or a rock star, nurse at the hospital or a parent. *

In teenage years, the main differences between boys and girls start to show up. It is not possible to talk about “teens” as one category. Girls often care about their look and fashion, while boys want to have big muscles, successful in sports and girlfriends. However, girls can also like and practice martial arts (=bojové umenia) and boys can be interested in computer science and poetry.

* Young people have different goals in their lives. Most of them want to be rich, successful, healthy and more skilled in their hobbies/interests. However, it is not easy to reach this status, so many times young people look for less time-consuming ways.


There are many differences among young people, but some features are always present. Young people want to become independent from their parents, but it’s not that easy because of their financial situation, which is often very poor (mostly because they don’t have a job).

Each one of us had their time of revolt and arguments with parents, because we thought they didn’t understand us and didn’t know what it’s like to be young. These conflicts between generations are called the generation gap. By having different opinions than our parents on some issues (alcohol, drugs, politics) we show our individuality.

Every generation brings new “wave” of different-thinking, new values and expectations. We (born 1990-2000) grew up with PlayStation 1 and we got our first mobile phones in the 4th grade of elementary school. The youngest generation grows up with tablet in one hand and Starbucks coffee in another.


The big pressure, that many younger people have to deal with, has an impact on their choices and decisions, especially when they’re eighteen. In this age they must decide about their future career. Some prefer studying at Universities, some prefer excitement of their first “real” job and some prefer unemployment, which is a big problem in many countries.

Vandalism and other forms of violence are often the result of unstable emotions, lack of emotional intelligence or financial worries. Of course, these people hate criticism and want to make their own mistakes instead of learning from others. Many groups of young people with racial prejudice like to start fights and other forms of conflicts with other people.


The popular forms of entertainment for the young are social networks, watching movies and YouTube videos, reading books, playing video games, going to pubs/clubs/bars etc.

In summer, many teenagers go abroad to travel or to do some seasonal work (picking fruits for example), where they can make some money and improve in foreign languages. Another popular activity in summer are open air music festivals, such as Pohoda, Grape, Lodenica, Topfest and others.

1. Can you explain what is puberty and what are the typical physical/mental changes of teenage people?
2. What is a generation gap?
3. What decision is expected from teens when they’re 18?
4. Did you understand everything? If not, do not hesitate to ask on our forums!

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