Konverzačné témy: Jobs and Employment

By | 23. April 2017

Téma Zamestnanie je téma, ktorú v určitej fáze života bude potrebovať asi každý z nás. Po skončení všetkých povinných aj nepovinných štúdii príde čas, keď sa bude treba zamestnať a jedno VEĽKÉ PLUS bude, keď na túto tému dokážeme konverzovať aj po anglicky. Tak poďme na to!

NOTE: If you find this symbol in the text (*) that means it’s a tip for you to mention at your oral exam.


Not everybody wants to work. That is a well-known fact. But what if you could find a way to do something you love and earn money for it? Would it still be considered a regular job?

To work usually means to be an employee. In order to be an employee you need to have an employment contract between you and your employer. That is the company, which hires employees. The second option for people looking for work is to be self-employed – or, in other words, to have own business. Third option is to be unemployed and and living off the money (unemployment benefits) you receive from the government. People sometimes get into this situation because of some addictions, alcohol abuse and irresponsible decisions.

There are thousands of different jobs in our small world. Some of them require intelligence, some require skills or talent. You can grow up with your best friend in the same environment, yet he wants to study biology and you want to become a priest. People choose their professions according to what they want and desire the most – money, happiness, calm environment, adrenaline etc. So when people search for a job, they need to consider several factors, like type of work, career development, salary, place of work etc. The best place for job hunting is Internet, where we can find many websites with job postings.*

* Talk about what you want to do after school or mention your parent’s jobs and why you like/dislike what they do.


In order to be hired you need to send several documents to your potential employers:
• job application (cover letter)
• your CV (curriculum vitae, also called Resume = životopis)
• copies of your Diploma or certificates
• and any other documents that could prove your skills

In this way the employer will learn about your personal data, education, skills and your previous work experience. If you are lucky, you will proceed and meet personally with your future employer at an oral interview, where you will be asked to answer some formal as well as informal questions. This phase is your chance to make an impression, so dress well, learn some info about your future workplace, keep calm and speak clearly.*

* This is a tip for your future interviews. A lot of people feel weird to ask about their future salary. It is advised that you don’t ask about it at the beginning or at the end of your interview.


Two major groups of jobs are full-time jobs and part-time jobs. For some professions the most effective way of working is to work in shifts (doctors, nurses, security personnel …). People work either manually (construction workers, mechanics, taxi-drivers) or intellectually (teachers, scientists, researchers, actors, computer programmers, administrative assistants).


If you want to be successful in your job search and find a job of your dreams, you must need to have some skills and experience. Some skills are more important than others, but it all depends on type of job you are looking for.

The most useful skill you can have these days is to be fluent in English language.

Communication and organization skills are also very desirable. In some professions there is a high risk of injury – policeman, miner, soldier, pilot etc. The best thing you can do for yourself is to find what you like to do and find it soon so you can develop your skills in this area and have better chances of a successful career.

Some people work as volunteers. That means doing a job with no expectations of financial reward. It can really be any kind of job from feeding the homeless to washing office windows.


1. What kind of relation is between an employer and an employee?
2. What factors do you need to consider when you apply for a job?
3. What does your CV have to contain?
4. Did you understand everything? If not, do not hesitate to ask on our forums!

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