Domov > Blog > Frázy z filmov > Frázy z filmu Interstellar
“We used to look up in the sky and wonder… at our place in the stars… Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt…. Go for main engine start. T-minus 10… we must confront the reality that nothing in our solar system can help us…. Nine… I’ve got kids, professor… How long would I be gone?… Eight… I am asking you to trust me… Seven… Murph… You have to talk to me, Murph… Six… I need to fix this before I go… You have no idea when you’re coming back… Five… Main engines start.. Couldn’t you have told her you were going to save the world?… No… Four… When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe… One… No, I’m coming back. When?… I love you. Forever… Potentially habitable worlds right within our reach… could save us from extinction… Here we go… You can’t just think about your family. Now you have to think bigger than that. I am thinking about my family and millions of other families… But maybe we’ve spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory… Love is the one thing that transcends time and space… Do not go gentle into that good night… Old age should burn and rave at close of day… Rage, rage against the dying of the light… I’m not gonna make it! Yes, you are… We’ll find a way, we always have…”
“We used to look up in the sky and wonder… at our place in the stars… Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt…. Go for main engine start. T-minus 10… we must confront the reality that nothing in our solar system can help us…. Nine… I’ve got kids, professor… How long would I be gone?… Eight… I am asking you to trust me… Seven… Murph… You have to talk to me, Murph… Six… I need to fix this before I go… You have no idea when you’re coming back… Five… Main engines start.. Couldn’t you have told her you were going to save the world?… No… Four… When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe… One… No, I’m coming back. When?… I love you. Forever… Potentially habitable worlds right within our reach… could save us from extinction… Here we go… You can’t just think about your family. Now you have to think bigger than that. I am thinking about my family and millions of other families… But maybe we’ve spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory… Love is the one thing that transcends time and space… Do not go gentle into that good night… Old age should burn and rave at close of day… Rage, rage against the dying of the light… I’m not gonna make it! Yes, you are… We’ll find a way, we always have…”
FRÁZY: | |
• get a move on - pohnúť si, švihnúť si | |
• drop - odviezť | |
• within (someone’s) reach - v dosahu, na dosah | |
• spare - rezervné koleso, rezerva | |
• knock off - zhodiť | |
• take a nap - zdriemnuť si | |
• dumb-ass - somár, hlupák | |
• to be done - byť hotový, je s ním amen, je po ňom | |
• hang something on (something) - vsadiť na | |
• go overboard - spadnúť cez palubu | |
• take a shortcut - vziať to skratkou | |
• upside-down - naopak, dole hlavou, obrátene | |
• wormhole - červia diera | |
• spend on - minúť na | |
• bring on down to - znížiť na | |
• run out of something - minúť sa, vyčerpať | |
• have a knack for something - mať na niečo talent | |
• rip (someone/something) to shreds - roztrhať na kusy | |
• pull (one’s) weight - priložiť ruku k dielu | |
• shake a leg - pohnúť kostrou | |
• look after (someone) - starať sa, postarať sa | |
• long shot - výstrel do tmy | |
• solar system - slnečná sústava | |
• blow a tire - dostať defekt | |
• figure (something) out - vymyslieť niečo, prísť na niečo | |
• follow someone’s footsteps - ísť v niekoho šľapajach | |
• flat tire - defekt | |
• shut (something) down - zavrieť, zrušiť (inštitúciu) | |
• be upset with someone (for something) - hnevať sa na niekoho | |
• set the table - prestrieť stôl | |
• make fool of someone - robiť z niekoho blázna, zosmiešniť | |
• bright spark - hlavička | |
• waste one’s breath - hádzať hrach na stenu | |
• go haywire - pokaziť sa | |
• pour resources into - liať peniaze do | |
• stumble upon something - naraziť na niečo | |
• to be on one’s way - odísť, pobrať sa | |
• nitrogen - dusík | |
• rule out - vyškrtnúť, nepripustiť, nedovoliť | |
• give up on someone - vzdať niečo s niekým, vykašľať sa na niekoho | |
• patch kit - lepiaca súprava (na pneumatiku) | |
• come back from the dead - vstať z mŕtvych | |
• get at - mieriť, smerovať niekam | |
• look for (something) - hľadať niečo |