Domov > Blog > Frázy z filmov > Frázy z filmu Hundred-Foot Journey
“[In the South of France her restaurant had no equal…] Last night we served this. In this restaurant cuisine is not an old tired marriage. it is a passionate affair [..Until one family…] …Papa, slow down.. “
“[In the South of France her restaurant had no equal…] Last night we served this. In this restaurant cuisine is not an old tired marriage. it is a passionate affair [..Until one family…] …Papa, slow down.. “
FRÁZY: | |
• piece of junk - haraburda | |
• all that matters - všetko na čom záleží | |
• trial - skúšobné obdobie | |
• you are not supposed to... - nemala by si... | |
• larder - špajza | |
• turn the heat up - pritvrdiť tak, že bude horúco | |
• make it to the top - vypracovať sa na vrchol | |
• turn down - stíšiť, ubrať (zvuk) | |
• exorbitant - premrštené, prehnané | |
• red currants - červené ríbezle | |
• sensible (person) - rozumný (človek) | |
• worst sort - najhorší z najhorších | |
• wash off - zmyť | |
• on behalf - v mene | |
• twist - príchuť, úprava | |
• deliberately - schválne, zámerne | |
• stepping stone - pomôcka na ceste k cieľu | |
• insane - šibnutý | |
• building permit - stavebné povolenie | |
• to make an offer - urobiť ponuku (prí kúpe nehnuteľnosti) | |
• work your way up - pracovať na kariérnom postupe, urobiť kariéru | |
• to try luck - skúsiť šťastie | |
• it is down to me - je to na mne |