Frázy z filmu Friends With Benefits

By | 10. January 2016

Domov > Blog > Frázy z filmov > Frázy z filmu Friends With Benefits

“I just feel like we should chill for a while.. I think we should take a break.. You’re breaking up with me? It’s not you.. of course, it’s me. It’s me.. I don’t like you anymore… You said, that I was your soul-mate.. I did? When?… When we were at that bed & breakfast having sex.. You know, that.. doesn’t what? Count. I am done with a relationship thing. I am emotionally unavailable. I am emotionally damaged. Do you know what I say? ..No emotions, just sex. I guess we should just start.. bedroom.. what’s wrong with the couch? The bedroom has better light. And since we’re just friends, I don’t have to be insecure about my body. Come on, you’re beautiful. You have nothing to be insecure about. No, you see, that is way too emotionally supportive. lock that down. Your ass is a little bony. Much better. I can work with that. OK. Should be fine… I don’t know what you’re doing. I can’t see you putting on your black underpants. Jamie, baby, I missed you. Did your boobs get bigger?… Just sex.. that never works. You don’t get it bro, Jamie’s different… She’s no different. What do you know about women, you’re gay.. But the offers still keep rolling in, naturally. Look at me. “
do me a favor - urob mi láskavosť
slampiece - osoba (žena), ktorá je iba na sex
stubble - strnisko, porast na mužskej tvári
headhunter - personalista, ktorý najíma nových zamestnancov
cut out - vypariť sa, zdrhnúť
one-night stand - známosť na jednu noc
way too - príliš
before the year’s up - skôr než uplynie rok
no offence - bez urážky
pissed off - naštvaný, nasraný
americký slang
Slovník Slang z filmov
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to be cool (with somebody) - byť s niekým v pohode
tied up (at work) - zaneprázdnený prácou tak, že sa nemôže uvoľniť
makeshift - provizórny
cuddle - túliť sa
tell him I said hi - pozdravuj ho
to drill (someone) - neustále sa vypytovať a poučovať
shit the bed - posrať niečo, pohnojiť
in a good shape - v dobrom stave (fyzicky)
break up - rozísť sa
soul mate - spriaznená duša
misconstrue - zle pochopiť
to text - poslať smsku
find (someone) attractive - považovať niekoho za atraktívneho
gross out - hnusiť sa
(beep) - (píp)
uproot - vykoreniť, vymazať
douche - zmrd, hajzel
straight - v kuse, bez prestávky